
E-Commerce Sites

Content Development

SEO and Analytics

Social Media

Email Campaigns

Website Maintenance



Collateral Marketing

Book Publishing

HR / Employee Communications

Social Media

Social Media is just another communication channel. It allows you to communicate with your prospective and current customers in a cost-effective way. Although it may seem like too much work, if the appropriate tools are in place, using it efficiently and effectively will be doable. It isn't necessary to go overboard. Rather, we should come up with a plan that will reap the most benefits with the least amount of effort. I can train you, train an employee, or take care of your content for you. Then we can follow up with evaluations and fine tune our efforts.

I can help you with all of your online marketing strategies including social media such as:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • YouTube